Want to know more about the service we deliver? These are some of the most commonly asked questions…

How do I access the PowerLegal service?

Fill in the Enquiry Form or call us on 0330 223 4828. We aim to contact you within one working day, to collect the information we will require for your specific litigation matter so we can determine which of our solicitors it may be most appropriate to appoint.

How big does my business need to be for PowerLegal to be interested in my claim?

Any size, from a one-man band to a multinational company.

Does PowerLegal handle any size of claim?

Normally the lowest size of claim is £10,000 but this is dependent on the quality of the claim and the cost that might be incurred in bringing it to a successful conclusion.

Why should I use the PowerLegal service rather than my usual local solicitor?

PowerLegal will be available throughout the case to manage the relationship between you, the solicitor, an insurer and/or a funder. Not all solicitors are experts in every type of litigation, and not all solicitors can offer the range of litigation funding options (including, where appropriate, No Win No Fee arrangements).

What sort of solicitor firms are on the PowerLegal panel?

Our panel consists of specialist firms in all litigation services. They are selected by their ability to offer all funding options including No Win No Fee agreements in appropriate circumstances.

What will PowerLegal charge?

There is no charge for processing your case or for the initial review by our panel solicitor. We only work with solicitors who are prepared, where appropriate, to run cases on a No Win No Fee basis. If your case proceeds and you are awarded damages, PowerLegal will be entitled to a success fee. This success fee will be agreed with you at the commencement of the action.

What is Litigation Insurance?
Litigation Insurance
What is Litigation Funding?
Litigation Funding
Enquire here

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