Legal Notices

Power Legal Claims Limited (PowerLegal) is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 11452352. The registered office is situated at 9 St. George’s Yard, Castle Street, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom, GU9 7LW.

PowerLegal is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.

PowerLegal receives a Performance Fee of 5% of the value of any recovery made payable only in the event of a successful recovery. Additionally, PowerLegal receives commissions from other parties involved in the action but this does not increase the cost to the client.

PowerLegal adheres to the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Solicitors Conduct Code.

Copyright notice

© Power Legal Claims Limited, 2018

Unless otherwise stated, PowerLegal owns the copyright in this website and its contents.  You may print information contained in this website for your personal use only.  No part of this website may be published, transmitted, reproduced or stored on another website or in any other electronic form without obtaining prior permission from PowerLegal.  PowerLegal should be acknowledged as the source of the material in all cases.

PowerLegal reserves the right to prohibit any link from another website to materials or information on this website.